lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

LIVE AND LEARN,GGESS_EF_00_00&semcp=S-EF&semag=EF-BRD-2P---EF-00-00&pkw=ef&gclid=CjwKCAiA9rjRBRAeEiwA2SV4Zd4hZ6JyKVaWFjERqeejuCuBu6JWM3csG7IbcjnsgT5uGCpv9RjJPxoC530QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

This is an advertisement from EF Educucation First, it is a website that allows study English in countries where English is spoken, It is a amazing oportunity to grow up as a person but also as a English lover. However, it is not accessible to all of us because of its cost.
Maye the cost is fair, however a lot of people cannot afford it and lost such a big opportunity like this one. From my opinion the format of this program is amazing but we need a cheaper alternative.

This week I have watched a film called Dirty Pretty Things in English and with subtitles in English too. Furthermore I have listened a lot of music in English as always.

Elizabeth Quishpi Caz

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