What are some important considerations1 when you look for a new job? According to experts, you ought to think about these things
First, know yourself! You should ask yourself exactly what you want from a job. Is it money, interesting work, nice co-workers, or something else? Different people want different things from a job. Assess yourself. Where3 are you now, and where do you want to be?
You also might want to think about your personal relationships. Consider which relationships are going well, which ones are not, and, most importantly, why. This will help you understand how you relate to people you work with.
Make changes! If you had problems in another job (maybe you were always late, or you did not fi nish projects), then you should make changes before you take a new job. It is too late when you are in the job.
- You had better not go now.
-But one day the child fell ill. She must have been very ill. For days she was laid up with a high fever and soon the parents learned that their darling would never be able to see and hear.
Must have been: is used to express that one situation definitely happens
Be able: you have skills or qualities which make it possible for you to do it.

In these past five weeks what I have done a lot of activities to improve my english.
First of all I have been talking with an american girl who is working at two different high schools here in Murcia, her name s Alessandra and she is from Florida, I met here at the print shop. She could not explain what she wanted because she does not know speak spanish fluently, then she asked me if I could speak English, I said yes and I helped her. We have been talking since then.

Moreover I listen a lof of music in English, honestly I prefer it than music in Spanish. I consider that through music I have learnt more English than through any other way
My favourite singer is Ariana Grande and I listen to her everyday, or almost, I have learnt by heart all her songs and her lyrics, therefore I have learn a lot of English with her songs.
Elizabeth Quishpi Caz
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